Wednesday May 01, 2024


For the last three centuries, American communities have been amongst the most educationally radical in the world. The colonial education movement in the 18th century, the common schools movement in the 19th, and the high school movement in the 20th each made a quality education more accessible to everyone. The impact of these education movements contributed to many advances, most of which we now take for granted. But the world didn't stop changing and complexifying.

In the 21st century, our communities must again do something big for the education of our children, or continue to see a darkening future for generations to come. But there is hope. There is something as grand as what came before that we have yet to try. For the last 50 years, evidence has been piling up that humans don't actually learn or teach very well in traditional classrooms. We are far better at tutoring. With this podcast, Tutoring: The Human Superpower,  educator and researcher Giles Leeper explores with guests the origins, uses, opportunities, and barriers of our shared hidden superpower. Together, we explore the question, what it would mean to finally unleash this uniquely human superpower? 

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